GovComm Examines Governmental Biometrics Platform

Governmental Biometrics Platform Scheduled For Release Quarter 1, 2013

Sept. 14, 2012 – PRLog — Washington, D.C. – September 14, 2012:  GovComm, Inc. is pleased with the examination of the results of a recent beta of our governmental biometrics platform and plans deployment for quarter 1, 2013.   GovComm’s platform programs, integrates, and synchronizes biometric technologies and capabilities across physiological and behavioral disciplines. GovComm’s platform is designed to operate and maintain authoritative biometric databases to support security strategies and protect through the employment of biometric capabilities.

Biometrics are measurable physiological and/or behavioral characteristics that can be used to verify the identity of an individual.  GovComm understands that only biometrics can verify you as you.  Tokens such as smartcards and fobs aren’t you and can be lost, stolen and / or duplicated.  Passwords aren’t you and can be forgotten, shared, observed and broken.

The GovComm biometric platform addresses physiological, iris, fingerprint (including nail), hand (including knuckle, palm, vascular), face, voice, retina and DNA.  Behaviorally, GovComm biometrics analyzes signatures, keystrokes, voice and gait.

GovComm biometrics at its core level includes the enrollment of a user into our database (i.e. by means of a scan), identification from the enrolled population and authentication by one or more security technologies.

GovComm has found worldwide success in driving targeted, innovative products and services in the physical security, emergency notification and life safety industries. GovComm customers include federal and state governmental agencies, defense contractors and high-end commercial enterprises.

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